Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Carlisle Buried Baby Trial and an "Angry Mob" mentality


What is the root of the issue here? It goes without saying that sheep with torches and pitchforks will say I am sympathizing with this girl after what I am about to say.

It is all too common if you follow tons of true crime pages like myself, that you will invariably and constantly read threads bursting with the hootin and hollerin of the common villagers: "Warm up Old Sparky!" "Bring back public hangings!" "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!", seem to be a few favorites of these innovative and rational thinkers.

While I DO NOT sympathize with killers of any sort, I think it is important to understand why these things happen so they can be PREVENTED IN THE FUTURE. One reason I majored in psychology is because this sort of thing fascinates me, but I also believe psychology and the area of mental health do not have nearly enough emphasis placed on them in regards to addressing the issues of today. It is pushed on us that it is imperative to address physical health issues, but there is not enough importance placed on the rest (ahem $$$$$$$$$$$$)....

IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, what is the issue? Regarding the case of Brooke Skylar Robinson, we have yet another teenager who has secretly given birth and disposed of their unwanted baby in a horrific manner. Do we have a cold blooded killer who would have eventually succumb to her urges in some other shape or form if this would not have happened? Probably not. What we DO have is a scared - ass teenager. It's a tale as old as time. She accidentally got pregnant and was scared to figure out a healthy way of seeking help. Should she have been more careful? Yes. But all teenagers fuck up. Was what she did callous and cold blooded? Yes. But refer to the earlier "scared teenager" bit. She was desperate.

Now who else may have contributed to this case? Could it be a system where young women who find themselves in situations like this are too afraid to seek help, only to be called a slut or even the way things are looking, possibly forced into giving birth? I can promise you if this was a different society where abortion was not so taboo, and we didn't have a president attempting to roll back the rights of women 50 years, and religious zealots screaming about women who choose to exercise their human rights as being "MURDERS", this would happen less often.

And I can promise you if abortion is outlawed and women's rights ARE rolled back, it will happen MORE OFTEN.

So again, before anyone has the desire to call me a murderer sympathizer, understand that what I am saying comes from a place of rational thought and a desire to find more solutions. Please attempt to think about what is more beneficial to society. "Frying this evil bitch" or finding answers. Working on solutions so that this doesn't keep happening. Get out of your "angry mob" mentality, please. It's not a good look.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Killers and Their Signs


       Recently I came across a list of killers and their signs. I was surprised to see that a long list of killers all share the same four signs of the Zodiac. Upon further research, it appears that these signs have something else in common, and that is that they are the 'mutable' signs of the zodiac.

     My attention was caught recently when reading "The Stranger Beside Me", when Ann Rule spoke of nonchalantly speaking with an astronomer who picked up on some interesting correlations between the dates of Ted Bundy's killings and an astronomical pattern. It was something that was made a mockery of in the police department, but was used on the sly when desperation ensued. My interest was peaked, but I didn't really think about it much further. Yeah, it may seem hokey, but is there really a connection between the stars and the events that occur in our daily lives? Could there actually be clues to what makes someone kill, or to the composition of a killer, laid out before us in the Universe?

I'm all about researching this a lot more, as there are many different aspects to delve into, and a countless number of notorious killers to look into, compare and contrast, as well as the signs themselves and so on and so forth. So far, I have looked up a considerable amount of additional killers who fit snugly into this pattern. I am so busy with school and work that it's gonna be really sporadic, and only when I have the extra time, desire, etc BUT I am actually thinking (and that is very tentative, its just an idea) about possibly trying to write a book on the subject. As far as I'm aware, it's not a played out topic that has been done and redone, in fact, it's a coincidence that I was completely unaware of. I'm thinking maybe it's something that I could have completed within the span of 10-20 years. Then again, maybe I will change my mind and say "fuck it". Only time will tell. In the meantime, here is a list of killers and their corresponding mutable signs:

  • Jeffrey Dahmer
  • Mary Bell
  • David Berkowitz
  • Kenneth Bianchi
  • Richard Chase
  • Andras Pandy
  • Arthur Shawcross
  • Pedro Rodrigues Filho
  • Daisy de Melker

  • Dennis Rader (BTK)
  • John Wayne Gacy
  • Leslie Bailey
  • Charles Cullen
  • Donald Henry Gaskins
  • Richard Ramirez
  • Aileen Wournos
  • Christopher Bernard Wilder
  • Cathy Wood

  • Ed Gein 
  • Richard Biegenwald
  • Terry Blair
  • Dean Carter
  • Andrew Cunanan 
  • Albert DeSalvo
  • Henry Lee Lucas
  • Paul Bernardo
  • Gerald Stano
  • Carol M Bundy                                                                                                                                            

  • Ed Kemper
  • Ted Bundy
  • George Chapman 
  • Alton Coleman
  • Timothy Krajcir
  • Amelia Dyer
  • Dana Sue Gray                                                                                                                                    
 (I will continue to update these lists as I continue to find more information)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


(It's been a long time since my last blog. I want a place for longer posts, venting, and other ramblings, so here I am. I will probably change the name of this blog soon as it most likely wont revolve mostly around movies any more.)

                                                   NO WAR NO KKK NO FACIST USA

"I would argue that the militant group called the "Army of God" is close to a revolutionary movement. They support the killing of abortion doctors and bombing of abortion clinics. They would like to see the entire government be based on their view of Christian values."                

- Dr Katherine R. Rowell, Sinclair Community College

I am so sick of hearing from conservative republicans that liberals are crybabys, whiners, and snowflakes. No one is crying (well, except for those infamous media prey who were caught in the limelight when Trump was elected ). People simply want to see human rights enforced, and a diverse and accepting society. THOSE ARE GOOD THINGS. I can not wait for the day I get to see the bullying piggish yuppie scum fail completely and thoroughly.

Anyone who claims Trump is a great President is delusional and needs to pull their head from the sand. He holds no intelligence, tact, professionalism, or humanitarianism and lacks even the most infinitesimal strand of philanthropy. He is an obvious racist who makes fun of the mentally challenged and has called white supremacists "very fine people".

"Social activists Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello (1998) suggest these criteria for any proposed human agenda:

  • It should improve the lives of the great majority of the world's people over the long run.
  • It should correspond to widely held common interests and should integrste the interests of the people around the world.
  • It should provide handles of action at a variety of levels.
  • It should include elements that can be at least partially implemented independently but that compatible or mutually reinforcing.
  • It should make it easier, not harder, to solve noneconomic problems such as protection of the environment and reduction of war.
  • It should grow organically out of social movements and coalitions that have developed in response to the needs of diverse peoples. 

Trump has displayed ZERO of these criteria. I just sitting here waiting for the worst for this vile human being.


Monday, September 26, 2011


Terry Gilliam

I have been away for awhile, but i've still been watchin mad movies, although I havent updated this as of late. Tonights movie was Tideland. I stumbled across this and was completely in awe. This stars Jeff Bridges and a little mini-Hope Sandoval look alike together with a completely fucked up family dynamic. Also with Jennifer Tilly, lookin Fiz-iiiiner than ever. (uhhh. :/ )

This movie is an experience. Shot with extremely vivid colors and angles it is breathtaking to watch. But extremely shocking and or disturbing subject matter alot of people will not find amusing. Because they are tight asses who cant appreciate art, i suppose. But this shit IS crazy. Its about a little girl who's parents are functional? drug addicts with her help. Then Tillys character bites it and Jeliza-Rose and her father move to the prairie to her grandmothers house and this is where the little girls adventures begin. This movie is shot from her perspective. No spoilers here. 

As the movie was nearing a close i found myself thinking, "this would make a GREAT novel." And then, upon further research i found out it is! Thus adding to my stack of "to reads" which is becoming of epic proportions. Yay! So i will give this movie 4 out of 4 dismembered doll heads. Without a doubt.

(Other recently viewed and un-blogged about movies)
Hobo With A Shotgun
Troll Hunter
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai

and some more stuff i forgot about. Nite loves.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Human Centipede


Ok SO, have you ever wanted to watch a movie about a crazy-ass doctor who wants to make a human centipede by connecting mouths to buttholes? UH YEAH me neither.

This is over the top, even for me. I cannot begin to describe what this movie made me feel. A movie that i actually cannot stomach?? That is a first. This shit is fuct. fuct. fuct. Horrible. Terrible.

I mean c'mon:


                     So yeah. I'm going to take a shower now. And scrub. And cry. And scrub. G'nite.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Big Nothing / Starkweather / Hank And Mike

Its been a busy movie watchin' day...In between work and an outing for drinks and food, still managed to squeeze three in:

                                                               BIG NOTHING

Very good. Simon Pegg. Enough said :)




Teenage angst and love at its finest. Also, a significant piece of criminal history.


                                                                   HANK AND MIKE


 jaded easter bunnies.

and also, watermelon BFF.        

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

wristcutters: a love story



I like movies about the afterlife, especially this one. And i am not being biased because I would totally marry Patrick Fugit. Oh, and fucking Tom fucking Waits. You should definately watch this. That is all.